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Case Integrative Health Blog
Read up on what Case Integrative Health's community and team are talking about through our updated blog.

Positive COVID Test? Here's What to Do Next
As we approach the winter months where temperatures drop and indoor social activities surge (especially around the holidays), it doesn’t...
Dr. Casey Kelley
Dec 5, 20246 min read

Calming Your Cytokine Storm: Part Two
Almost three years ago the CDC reported the first case of COVID-19 in the United States, and upended our lives as we know it. Quickly,...
Dr. Casey Kelley
Dec 11, 20225 min read

Positive COVID Test? Here's What to Do Next.
Another wave of Sars-COV-2 is ripping through the U.S. Its peer-reviewed extreme contagiousness is tempered by data that suggest, for...
Dr. Casey Kelley
Jan 10, 20226 min read

The newest chronic condition is here: Post-Covid Syndrome
Acute COVID is waning. Here comes Post-COVID Syndrome (PCS). Evidence is mounting that COVID-19 is leaving a host of long-term issues....
Dr. Casey Kelley
May 21, 20216 min read

About that vaccine...
Click here to jump to "Supplementing the Vaccine" Vaccines are one of the most important discoveries in medicine, if not all of human...
Dr. Casey Kelley
Feb 15, 20214 min read

Calming your Cytokine Storm
Seemingly, every news organization is devoting essentially all of their attention to a certain virus that is running free, while we stay...
Dr. Casey Kelley
Apr 17, 20205 min read

Case Integrative Health: Here for you during the COVID-19 Pandemic
To our Case Integrative Health Family - For over a decade, Dr. Kelley and Dr. Mafee have been bridging the gap between seemingly...
Dr. Casey Kelley
Mar 29, 20203 min read

Reducing Coronavirus Risk
We are in unprecedented times. Watching or scrolling through the news, COVID 19 is front and center, and it has everyone around the world...
Dr. Rana Mafee
Mar 16, 202010 min read

Reducing COVID-19 risk at Case Integrative Health
COVID-19 virus is forcing us all to re-evaluate how we protect ourselves. See what we're doing at CIH, and some ways to protect youself.
Dr. Casey Kelley
Mar 14, 20201 min read
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