Chronic Pain:
Heal your pain, don't just mask it.
Chronic pain can be debilitating. It interferes with daily life and can lead to depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders (which can make the pain worse). This vicious cycle can be difficult to break, let alone cure.
CIH’s approach to treatment is interventional and integrative. Simply put: we seek to provide pain relieving interventions in the short-term, in order to create space to pursue true healing in the long-term.
After all, chronic pain is a symptom of some deeper health issue. So while immediate relief is important, understanding why you’re in pain and fixing the source is the real goal.

25% of Americans experience pain daily for more than 3 months. Don't suffer in silence.
Though chronic pain is typically caused by some underlying issue, it's what drives many of our patients to seek care. The most frequently complaints are related to:
Abdominal pain
Back and joint pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Migraines (and all manner of headaches)
Myofascial pain
Post-dural puncture headaches
Pre and Post Operative pain
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD)
Diabetic Neuropathy
Gut dysfunction
Mold toxicity
Selected Treatments
Prolozone Joint Injections
Trigger Point Injections
Botox for Migraines
Hyaluronic Acid
Steriod Injections
Peptide Therapy
Detox Therapy
Transverse Abdominis Plane Block
Ilioinguinal/Genitofemoral Block
Palantine Block
Carpal Tunnel Injections
Piriformis Injection
Intercostal Nerve Block
Sacroiliac joint Injections
Epidural For Back Pain
Facet Block (Medial Branch Block) Injections
Radiofrequency Ablation
Sympathetic Nerve Blocks
Greater occipital Nerve Block
Lesser occipital Nerve Block
Stellate Ganglion Block
Spinal Cord Stimulation Trial
Facet Joint Intra-Articular Steroid Injection
Epidural Blood Patch
Celiac Plexus Block
Sample Treatment Plan
Fixing chronic pain requires an individualized approach to therapies coupled with treatment protocols.
A medical review (anywhere from 10 – 60 minutes) will help the team determine the source of the pain.
Integrative lab panels may be necessary to uncover deeper rooted issues.
Therapies such as injections, peptides or IV protocols can provide acute relief without opioids or surgery.
For pain related to infections or systemic dysfunction, we develop an individual protocol to fix the root cause issue (this typically provides pain relief as well).
Lifestyle recommendations such as breathing patterns, specific physical movements, stress management, or diet help give you the tools to manage your system on your own.