Deepti Agarwal, MD

Deepti Agarwal, MD is the Director of Interventional and Integrative Pain Management at Case Integrative Health. She has been fascinated with integrative and functional medicine for as long as she can remember. Some of her earliest childhood memories are of time she spent with her family making delicious, diabetes-controlling food for her grandfather. Throughout her medical training, the power of those early lessons never left her, which is why Dr. Agarwal is dedicating her career to tackling the root cause of chronic disease and helping her patients live long and healthy lives combining conventional and integrative approaches.
Dr. Agarwal graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania, then earned her MD from the Stony Brook School of Medicine at the State University of New York (SUNY). She was an Intern at Winthrop University Hospital (affiliated with NYU) and completed her residency in Anesthesiology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital Feinberg School of Medicine. Her Fellowship in Pain Medicine is from Weill Cornell Medical College/New York Presbyterian Hospital and she is currently finishing an Integrative Medicine Collaborative Faculty Fellowship at Northwestern’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Agarwal is triple-board certified in Pain Medicine, Integrative Medicine and Anesthesiology , as well a certified Medical Acupuncturist. She has conducted extensive research, with 14 publication credits to her name and has lectured nationally and internationally.
In addition to helping patients manage their chronic pain, Dr. Agarwal brings extensive knowledge on surgical pre-habilitation and post-habilitation as well as an expertise in metabolic dysfunction and longevity.
Dr. Agarwal is also an avid cook and mixologist, and always looking for recipes and ingredients that satisfy her taste buds as well as her overall health.
Interviews and Videos
Publications and Scholarly Work
Peer-reviewed Original Investigations
Katz, R, Rosenfeld K, Wolfe L, Redmond V, Agarwal D, Salik I, Goldsteen K, Goodman M, Glass P. “Is preoperative testing determined by physician idiosyncrasy or patient need? A study on the preferences of individual anesthesiologists and surgeons regarding preoperative laboratory evaluation. Anesth Analg. 2011 Jan;112(1) 207-12.
Agarwal D, Wong CA, Toledo P. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide measurements and maternal pain scores in laboring parturients. Int J Obstet Anesth. 2011 Apr;20(2): 195-6.
Agarwal D, Benzon HT, Rodes M, Malik K.“Duration of Efficacy of Local Anesthetic Blocks and Pulsed Radiofrequency Lesioning for Occipital Neuralgia: A Retrospective Study.” (In Press Pain Medicine)
Books and Book Chapters
Agarwal D, MD, Ifeanyi I, Udoji M. “Intrathecal drug delivery systems” IN: Pain Management: A Problem-Based Learning Approach. Anitescu M (Ed). Oxford University Press, 237-244, 2018.
Agarwal D, Rana M. Economic Impact, Cost, and Reimbursement Issues. IN: Essentials of Regional Anesthesia. Kaye, A, Urman, RD., Vadivelu, N (Eds.) Springer (2nd edition), 21-33, 2018.
Patel R, Agarwal D. Arachnoiditis. IN: Pain: A Review Guide. Abd-Elsayed A (Ed.) Springer, 647-649, 2019.
Mauer A, Agarwal D. Cranial Nerve. IN: Pain: A Review Guide. Abd-Elsayed A (Ed.) Springer, 595-602, 2019.
Agarwal D, Rana M. Complementary Therapies for Chronic Pain. IN: Pain: A Review Guide. Abd-Elsayed A (Ed.) Springer, 1087-1092, 2019.
Edwards L, Hillen L, Agarwal D, Khan D, Tolba R. Cervicogenic Headache, Post-meningeal Puncture Headache, and Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension. Benzon et al: Practical Management of Pain 6th edition (2022, IN PRINT)
Review articles (Peer-Reviewed)
De Oliveira, G, Agarwal, D, Benzon, HT. “Perioperative Single Dose Ketorolac to Prevent Postoperative Pain: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials.” Anesth Analg. 2012 Feb;114(2):424-33.
Agarwal D, Udoji MA, Trescott A. Genetic testing for opioid pain management: a primer. Pain and Therapy. 2017; 6(1): 93-105.
Case Reports, Letters, Editorials
Agarwal D, Cohen HL. Appendicitis. ACR Case in Point.
( 7/27/05) -
Agarwal D, Rezak KM, Hines, GL. “Positional symptomatic occlusion of the internal carotid artery: Evaluation and surgical management.” Ann Vasc Surg. 2008 Mar;22(2):293-6
Agarwal D, Chovatiya R, Rana, M. “Equanimity in the time of Covid: The past ameliorates the present.” Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (In Press, December 2020).
Abstract and Poster Presentations (*denotes presenting author)
Agarwal, D*. (2002). Recognition of Emotion in Facial Expression in 22-25 Mth. Old Children. Proceedings of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program in the Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Center for Cognitive Sciences.
Agarwal D*, Rezak KM, Hines, GL. "Positional Symptomatic Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery: Surgical Repair in a Young Woman." 20th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Vascular Society (September 2006) (Winner of the 2006 Third Year Medical Student Award by Eastern Vascular Society)
Agarwal D*, Semba, RD. “Vitamin A and β-Carotene in Clinical Trials: Contrasting Biological Mechanisms and Outcomes.” (As one of their summer interns, this research project was completed and presented to the American Society of Clinical Nutrition 2004)
Agarwal D*, Benzon HT, Rodes M, Malik K.“Duration of Efficacy of Local Anesthetic Blocks and Pulsed Radiofrequency Lesioning for Occipital Neuralgia: A Retrospective Study.” Presented abstract at Midwestern Anesthesia Residency Conference (Feb 2010) and at American Society of Regional Anesthesiology (April 2010) (1st place award winner for best Pain abstract)
Agarwal D*, Cambic C. “Case Report: Gilbert’s Syndrome in the Parturient.” Presented abstract at Midwestern Anesthesia Residency Conference (Feb 2010)
De Oliveira, G, Agarwal, D*, Benzon, HT. “Perioperative Single Dose Ketorolac to Prevent Postoperative Pain: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials.” Presented at American Society of Anesthesiology (October 2011)
De Oliveira, G, Ahmad S, Agarwal, D*, Walega D, Benzon, HT. “Status of Research Training during Pain management Fellowship in the United States. Presented at American Society of Anesthesiology (October 2011)
Jani J*, Agarwal D, Knezevic N. Cannabinoids and chronic neuropathic pain: A review of randomized control trials. Presented abstract at Midwestern Anesthesia Residency Conference (April 2015)
Nafisi S MD*, Knezevic N, Agarwal D, Candido K, Levine E. Comparison of blood loss in patients undergoing cesarean-section who received and did not receive beta-blocker in the peri-operative period. Presented abstract at Midwestern Anesthesia Residency Conference (April 2015)